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Wind power photovoltaic green card price difference is large, the lower the unit subsidy strength advantage


July 1, 2017, green power certificate voluntary subscription launch ceremony held in Beijing, marking the official opening of China to promote the whole society to consume a new era of green power, will also be to a certain extent, ease the pressure on renewable energy subsidies. I note that the current wind power and photovoltaic green card prices and trading volume there is a big difference in the industry view, the lower the unit subsidy strength of the project, the green card has the advantage. Currently in the green card market cultivation stage, the future will be timely consideration of other renewable energy projects will be gradually incorporated, starting from 2018 onwards renewable energy power quota system and compulsory trading constraints.

In January 2017, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Finance, the National Energy Board jointly issued a pilot green power certificate issuance and voluntary subscription transactions policy. The so-called Green Power Certificate ("Green Certificate") is a power certificate that records a specific 1000 kWh of electricity from the country where the land wind farm or PV centralized power station. Power generation enterprises can apply to the National Renewable Energy Information Management Center to prove the green card, issued in China Green Power Certificate subscription trading platform for sale, government agencies at all levels, enterprises, social institutions and individuals can subscribe. In the view of industry experts, it is a measure of the value of renewable energy and the environment, through the market to form the value of the certificate, the certificate of the purchaser, can claim to issue or use a high proportion of green energy.

National Energy Board Regulatory Director Li Ye said that with the green power certificate voluntary subscription transaction was officially launched, China will open the whole society to promote green consumption of the new era, there will be more social responsibility and environmental awareness of enterprises and individuals to lead the green power Consumer trends, condensed green power consumption social consensus, the formation of "universal consumption of green electricity, sharing clean development" of the new social fashion.

I note that the current transaction in the platform is mainly wind power projects, the price between 176.6 yuan to 306.5 yuan. "PV power plants have been issued through the platform, but not yet PV companies and the subscription platform to sign the sale of the contract." National Renewable Energy Information Management Center, Deputy Director of Management Xu Guoxin said.
For the difference between the price of green card, water conservancy and water conservancy planning and design institute vice president Yi Yuechun in an interview with the "Economic Information Daily" interview explained that in the voluntary stage, China's green card prices to consider the market price as the basis, but not high In the corresponding national subsidy standards. Power generation enterprises to sell green card, the corresponding power is no longer enjoy the price subsidies, from the purchaser, this is its support for green energy development to pay the additional costs, can not offset the electricity, the current green card does not allow the second sale, But do not rule out the mandatory stage can be repeated after the transaction.

And wind power and photovoltaic construction costs are different, resulting in the amount of subsidies required for different, and then the price is not the same green. And the resources in which the area and the technological progress brought about by the cost difference and other factors, also led to the same type of green card price difference. The lower the unit subsidy intensity, the more the green card has the advantage. "At present, cultivate this market, the future with the industrial development and technological progress, and then consider the distributed photovoltaic power generation, offshore wind power, thermal power generation, biomass power generation projects gradually included in the object.

In the National Development and Reform Commission, director of the price of Hou Shouli view, the current renewable energy subsidies to the larger gap, the pilot green certificate voluntary subscription system, you can use the market mechanism for renewable energy development to raise more sustainable funds to promote energy transformation, For consumers to implement green consumption to provide effective support. At the same time, but also for the future to establish market-oriented mechanism to accumulate more experience. At the same time, from the industrial chain, from the photovoltaic cell manufacturing, cable manufacturing, cable manufacturing, cable also use green card.